What is Backswing Sway?

How to check if you are swaying

Backswing Sway is any excessive lower body lateral movement away from the target during the backswing that forces the weight to the outside of the back foot.  Swaying makes it very difficult to perform a proper weight shift during the transition and the downswing.  It can also be a cause of the “Reverse Spine Angle”

What TPI have to say about Backswing Sway:

In order to coil around your right hip (for right handed golfers) during the backswing, several physical characteristics must be developed. First and foremost, right hip internal rotation is paramount for full rotation into the right hip without any lateral sway. If the body is unable to rotate around the right hip due to joint or muscular restrictions, then lateral movements will dominate the pattern. Secondly, the ability to separate your upper body from your lower body allows the lower body to laterally stabilize while rotating during a large shoulder turn. Limited trunk to pelvis separation is usually caused by reduced spinal mobility and shortened lat flexibility. Finally, the ability to laterally stabilize your right leg during the backswing is directly proportional to the strength and stability of your gluteal musculature (your butt). When it comes to lower body lateral stabilization, the glute medius is the king. This muscle helps prevent the right hip from elevating and shifting laterally during an aggressive coil into the right hip.

If you suffer from Backswing Sway, focus on articles and tips based on:

Upper body and Lower body Separation


Right Foot Stabilization

Weight Transfer – How to

Backswing Sequence

For a page dedicated to Backswing Sway with Fixes & Drills visit: [button style=”small blue rounded” link=”https://swingstation.com/backswing-sway/” ]Click Here[/button]


The backswing sway swing fault. This is where in the back swing, the lower body will sway too much to the right. This puts the right foot in a very unstable position, making it difficult to shift your weight correctly in the downswing, strike the ball solid, and create energy and speed. I want you to test if you’re swaying your lower body, is draw a line from the ankle of your right foot to your right hip. And if you’re swaying, you’re going to see your right hip get past that line, even your right knee get past that line, outside the line. If you’re making a good backswing, no part of your body should get to the right side of the line during the backswing.

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