Stabilize Your Hips

A Drill to Help Stabilize Your Lower Body – Prevent Your Hips Spinning Out

Hi, Robin Symes here. I’d like to show you a simple exercise to help you improve the stabilization of your lower body in the down swing. Stabilization of the lower body, through impact, is a key to being able to transfer the speed of your body to the speed of the club head. Perhaps you’re a player, who in your downswing you find your hips spinning out of control, with the weight hanging back on your right foot and perhaps even your left; it’s spinning and losing its footing on the ground. If this is you, you’re probably hitting quite high shots, with a not very consistent contact. And, as I’ve said, because you’re lower body’s spinning with no stabilization, you’ll be finding it difficult to transfer the speed of your body to the club head.
Try this drill. I want you to stand a little narrower than normal, with the ball just in front of your left foot. You’ll make your backswing as normal, but in the downswing, I want you to step to the left and step forward. This will be ensuring you’re starting the downswing with your lower body. You’ll feel some pressure underneath your left foot, and I want you to maintain that all the way to impact, stabilizing your lower body and ensuring that you’re transferring the speed to the club head. It’s a simple drill to help you get some stabilization. You’ll hit the ball a little lower, more solid, and reach your maximum club head speed.

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