Square Clubface

How to check if your clubface is square

So often, I see players spending many hours on the driving range with the wrong concepts.  Their time is wasted, and in fact, they are probably getting worse rather than better.  With access to cameras via smart phones and pads becoming easier, understanding what to look for in your swing is vital so that you are analyzing your swing correctly, and have the correct concept of how to improve.  Watch the short video so that you know how to check the position of  your clubface during the swing.  The clubface position determines the starting direction of the ball, and depending upon your swing path direction, can affect the shape of your shot.

If you have any of the following problems, be sure to check your clubface:

– Pulls and Pushed.

– Extreme Slices and Hooks.

– Inconsistency in starting direction and shape of shot.

– Too High or too Low and ball flight.


This is Robin Symes. We’re going to talk about the club face position. These days because most people are using smart phones, or pads, when you go to the driving range, you video your own swing and you analyze your own swing. It’s very important that you have the correct concepts and you know what to look for. If we just choose the subject of club face. If you video your swing from line to line, just be sure that you point the camera parallel to your target line, through your hands. When you’re checking your club face, what you should see is that at waist high, the toe of the club should be pointing almost to the sky. A little forward can be okay, but too much toe down, face to the ground, would be closed. The other direction would be face open. From here you’d have compensations to make to the straight shot. As you continue to top, if your top face is square, the leading edge will be in line with your left arm. If the face was pointing to the sky, that would be closed. If the toe was hanging to the ground, that would be open. For the down swing, once again, back to that position where the club shaft is parallel to the ground. Again, the toe of the club should be pointing to the sky. From here, it would be very easy just to rotate your body, square the club face to the target line. There’s a simple way for you to check your club face when you video your own swing.

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