Make More Left to Right Putts – Part 1

Why is It the Left to Right Putt is so Tricky?

Hi, Robin here. For some reason, many golfers seem to struggle with the left to right putt more than the right to left putt. So over a course of a few videos, I’m going to go through some of the reasons I see why players struggle with these putts. Hopefully, from that, you can identify why you’re struggling and make a few more of these left to righters.

Now, the first of these is in the set up. The slope of the green is going away from you. And what I see as a common fault, is even if you’re not aware of it, you’ll fight the slope. Your balance point will go back towards your heels, fighting the slope of the green, and that’ll bring the toe of the putter off the ground. So when you strike the putt, it’ll be a little bit of a weaker strike.  The ball will come off the putter face a little slower than what you expected.  That’ll make you take a little more break, and you’ll miss on the low side.

Secondly, because I’m back on my heels, my eye line will come slightly inside the ball.  That can affect the path of the stroke. The putter might come back a little bit more in the inside. Combined with a weaker strike, the ball is always going to start right and miss on the low side. So it might look something like this.

So when you’ve got a left to right putt, just something to be aware of. You want to recreate the same setup position as normal. And that will mean that it will be more weight on your toes to keep your eyes over the ball, to keep the putter sitting flat on the ground. That means you can now create a more solid contact, maintaining your normal path to the stroke.

So first thing for you to check, your setup position. Make sure you’re not counterbalancing the slope.  You’re staying in your normal setup position.  Your eyes are over the ball, so you can strike the ball solid.

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