Posts Tagged ‘Golf swing Basics’

Weight Transfer

  How to transfer your weight correctly I believe there is a misunderstanding about the correct pivot and weight movement in the swing, and all the information that is available these days is not helping to make the concept simple. I think everyone knows that to create an efficient golf swing there should be a…

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Golf Basics Lesson – Posture

  Creating good Golf Posture I do not want to underestimate any of the basics I have explained up to now; but simply, if you want to have a solid repeatable swing, you must have good posture.  The problem is that most of the things that we do in our daily lives like reading, typing,…

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Mental Golf – The Pre Shot Routine

  Golf Lesson – Pre-Shot Routine Recently, I looked at video footage of the 2 greatest players in the  History of golf so far, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.  If you look at them closely, many of the things they do vary a lot.  Their golf swings are completely different in style, putting strokes different,…

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Golf Swing Basics – The Stance

  How to Take the Correct Stance The basic idea of the stance is that it should be wide enough to provide stability at high speed yet narrow enough that you can rotate correctly and transfer your weight.  A fare judgment of this is to have your heels at shoulder width with a 6 iron…

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