SLICE CURE – Underarm Throw

Drill To Cure A Slice

The Slice Shot is a shot that so many golfers around the world seem to suffer with.  If you are like most slicers, you have probably read many articles on how to fix your slice.  You might have had lessons, and as a result, you know what you are doing wrong.  You are coming over the top, and your swing path is out to in. So you know the mechanics, but you still can not make the changes in your swing to fix your slice.  If this is you, take a look at this drill to give you the feeling of changing the movement.  Sometimes, this can be the missing link.  It is the ‘feel’ that you need rather than just the knowledge.

If by any chance you still do not know what causes your slice, before you try this drill, please take a few moments to watch this video, [button link=”” ]What Causes a Slice[/button]  because I still believe it is important to know what the real cause of a slice is before you go about trying to fix it.

For a complete list of articles and drills on Slicing, visit  [button style=”small blue rounded” link=”” ]Here[/button]


One of the most common faults is coming over the top in the downswing, it causes that dreaded slice. And I’m sure if you’re that player, you’ve had explained to you the mechanics of how not to come over the top, but developing a fell for the movement is more important than understanding the mechanics. There’s a simple drill for you to follow to develop a feel. Take a few balls when you’re at the driver’s range practicing and hold the ball in your right hand, taking your normal address posture. Now, simply I want you to throw the ball in an underarm throwing motion towards your target. To do that, naturally your lower body will lead the movement, your right shoulder will lower down slightly, and your arm will come down more on plane. But rather than thinking about those things, it becomes instinctive; you develop a feel for the movement. Once you’ve got a feel and you’re releasing the ball towards your target consistently, take hold of your club and hit a few shots just repeating the feel and the motion which you’ve been developing. You can repeat the feel that you learned in the underarm throw. You’ll be guaranteed to fix your over the top and cure that slice.

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