Beginner Lesson – How to Aim Correctly

Develop a routine to aim correctly

This video is aimed at the beginner player who wants to know how to aim their clubface and body to the target.  I have placed some sticks on the ground to help you understand.  The yellow stick is called the ball to target line. A direct line between the ball and the target. The leading edge (the bottom of the clubface) of your club should be aligned 90 degrees to this.  The other stick is to help you align your body, feet, knees, hips, and shoulders parallel to this line.  When you are practicing, place a stick/club on the mat or grass for the ball to target line first.  Then place another stick/club where your body should be aligned, removing the ball to target stick/club afterwards.  Now, when you take your address, you can be sure you are aimed at your target, and if you keep your correction to the target with your eyes and keep looking at the target, you will be training your eyes to where your body is aiming and what is square.  A common fault many beginner players make is they think their feet should be aimed at the target, but you can see that it is parallel lines, so when you are aimed correctly to the target, your body lines should be slightly left of the target.  What a lot of players do in their routine, when they are on the course with no sticks to help, is stand behind the ball drawing imaginary line between the ball and target then pick a spot on this line just in front of the ball, aiming the clubface at this first; then aligning their body parallel to this.  There can be no sure way that you know you are aiming correctly, but practicing correctly and having a good routine gives you the best chance of aiming correctly with all your shots.


This is Robin Symes. I’d like to talk about alignment. This video is aimed at the beginner player, somebody who has just started to play and they’d like to know how they aim their club face and their body to the target. I’ve put a couple of sticks in the ground to help you understand this. The first one is a yellow stick, which we call the ball to target line. A direct line between the ball and the target. Your club face should be 90 degrees to this target line. The bottom of the club, which we call the leading edge. The other stick, is the stick to help you align your body. Your feet, your knees, your hips and your shoulders, which should all be parallel to this line. When you’re practicing, if you put a ball to target line on the mat first, or on the grass where you’re practicing, and then put another stick where your body’s going to be aligned, taking away the ball to target line after that. You can be sure that you’re aiming at your target. We’re simply practicing to that target, watching the target. You’ll be training your eyes to what is square, where your body is aiming. It’s a good way for you to practice.
A common fault you’ll make as a beginner player is that you’ll think that your feet should be aimed at the target. You can see with this that it’s parallel lines so when you aim correctly at the target your body lines will actually be slightly left of the target. What a lot of players do in their routine is you can’t put the lines on the golf course, is stand behind the ball, drawing an imaginary line in their mind and matching the ball to target line. Picking a spot in front of the ball, aiming the club face at this first, then aligning their body parallel to this. There can be no sure way that you know you’re aiming correctly 100 percent, but by practicing correctly, and then having a good routine, it gives you the best chance of aiming correctly with all your shots.

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