What is Early Release?

How to check if you are early releasing

Early Release, (Casting)  refers to any premature release of the wrist angles during the downswing.  The angle loss can result in a weakened impact position with the lead wrist being cupped at the ball strike, often called Scooping.  This adds loft to the face of the club; and as a result, we see a loss of power and consistency.  Early release is when the club head and lead forearm are in a straight line prior to making contact with the ball.  At impact, we should see the shaft leaning slightly toward the target. This helps to de-loft the club and creates a more powerful impact position.

What TPI have to say about Early Release:

There are many physical limitations that can cause a player to cast the golf club. Lack of or limited contribution of the lower body in the downswing is one of the leading causes. This will cause the upper body to over work and thus throw the golf club from the top. Poor lower body movement in the golf swing can be due to limited hip mobility, ankle restrictions, inability to separate the lower body from the upper body, and weakness in the main core musculature (glutes and abs). In addition, any limitations in the wrists or wrist injury can also prevent the club from setting and releasing properly. Without extension in the trail wrist, it is difficult to maintain a good set during the downswing.

If you suffer from Early Release, focus on articles and tips based on:

The correct downswing (transition)

Lower body movement

Weight shift and ground force

The Grip


Wrist Cocking


For a page dedicated to Early Release with Fixes & Drills visit: https://swingstation.com/early-extension/


An early release, casting and scooping swing fault. This happens where there’s a premature loss of angle between the left arm and the club shaft in the downswing, where we see this casting movement and the angle decreasing. What normally happens by the time we get to impact, the club shaft will be leaning away from target, will be adding loft to the club. The left wrist will be in a cup position, a very weak impact position. Again, difficult to compress the ball. We’ll get high weak ball flights, we’ll lose distance. Here’s how I want you to test if you’re early releasing the club: I want you to bring your swing down to where your hands are just below waist high. If your club head is lower than your hands at this point, we would class that as early releasing, and nearly always accompanied with a scooping impact.

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