Stay in Balance


Proper balance in a golf swing

The Force Plate technology from Science and Motion Sports is a platform that monitors ground pressure.  It is a technology that has allowed us to see the invisible (weight distribution) and how this can have a huge effect on every shot in golf.

Using this technology, I am going to show you the correct weight distribution for 2 different shots: iron play and putting.  I will also show you exercises so that you can check your weight distribution and make  improvements yourself.

Iron Play

Left side – Weight on heels at address

Centre – Well balanced address

Right side – Weight on toes at address

Main Picture

The force plate technology has not only helped players improve their swing, and in turn the quality of their shots, but it has also trained the eye of teaching professionals.  What may have been accepted in the past as a well balanced address position has now changed since the introduction of this equipment to teaching.

The address position on the right side of the picture shows an address position with too much weight on the toes. For me, this is the most common fault and perhaps what an accepted good address position would have looked like maybe 5 years ago, before force plate technology was introduced.  The left side of the picture shows an address position with too much weight on the heels.  The center address position, with the information the force plate has provided, is a balanced address position.   This understanding and visual look is the first part of making the change to a well balance address, as you must have trust and the correct concept first.  Also, every time you take your address and look in a mirror, you will have a visual reference of what is right and wrong.

So how do you find this balanced address without the force plate technology??

1)      If you were to take your shoes off and stand up straight, you would be easily able to lift your toes off the ground. You do not need your toes to balance when you are in balance. Your toes are only there to help you balance yourself when you get out of balance, which we need a lot in everyday life, walking around on uneven surfaces and up and down hills.  In a well balanced address, and for that matter a well balanced swing, you should not need your toes at all!  Simply by taking your address and lifting your toes off the ground, you will instantly know if you have too much weight forward at address. If you do, you will start to fall over as soon as your toes are lifted. Your natural instinct will make you react quickly, putting your toes down and re-balancing yourself.

Address shoes off

I suggest you first do this exercise inside with your shoes off for maximum sensation in your feet and awareness of the correct balance point.  Once you have a feeling for a balanced address, go ahead and make some swings with your toes up.  If you feel like you are out of balance or want to fall forward during the swing, you were probably shifting your weight towards your toes during the backswing, or downswing, or both – a fault that a lot of players have that will never result in consistently good shots.

Address Balance Drill