Improve Your Impact Drill

A Non-technical Drill to Improve Your Ball Striking

Hi, Robin here. Now, as I’ve said before, hitting the center of the clubface is a very important skill in this game. Non-center hits will affect the distance of the shot, but it will also affect the direction of the shot, both in the starting line and in the shape of the shot. So, you really have to develop the skill of hitting the center of the clubface consistently before you can start to improve your game. There is a number of different ways. I’ve done it another exercise where I ask you to hit the toe and the heel of the club, learning to hit different spots of the clubface to help you develop that skill. Another simple drill you can do is get two tee pegs, placing them on the ground just a little bit wider than the clubhead. What I want you to do is just make some practice swings, swinging through the middle of the tee peg, trying not to touch the tee pegs. Start to develop a feeling for how you’re moving not to hit the tees. Once you become comfortable with that, you can put the golf ball in the middle of the two tees, and if you don’t touch the tees, that’s insuring that you’re striking the center of the clubface.

I think this is a good drill for anybody who is sort of just taking the game up, anybody who is hitting different parts of the clubface, quite a random pattern, not a consistent pattern, like out of the heel or out of the toe. So if you’re finding the marks of the golf ball are all over the face, I think this is a very good drill for you to do. It’s a simple one, and it will definitely improve your ability, your skill, to strike the ball from the center.

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