Turn Not Tilt

Curing Reverse Spine Angle

A good exercise to help anyone fix the Reverse Spine Angle fault and also the Backswing Sway fault.

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Hi, Robin here. This video’s targeting anybody who’s struggling with tilting their upper body towards the target during a backswing. Very common fault. You see this often when players have a lateral movement in their pelvis to the right in the backswing, causing the tilt. Perhaps you’ve been told that you’re reverse-pivoting with too much weight into your left side. The key point is here that you’re tilting, not turning. So if you need a little help with this, try this drill, I’ve been using this a lot in my lessons with success. Start by just standing tall in an erect position, holding the club out parallel to the ground with your palms facing up, and learn to start your pivot with chest rotation, keeping the club parallel to the ground. As soon as you were to slide and tilt, you’d see the club instantly start to point toward the ground, so rotation keeping the club parallel to the ground.

I start in my chest, that rotation works fine into my stomach, fine into my hips, in a chain reaction. At another angle you can see how that club is staying parallel to the ground as I’m doing it. Alright, once you become comfortable with this, it’s really a very simple movement. Repeat the same exercise in an address posture. So I’m just putting a little forward bend and repeating the same rotation from my chest to start the movement. And because I’m in a forward-bend position the club won’t stay parallel to the ground, but it will stay closer than if you had moved your hips laterally and tilted your upper body. That’s really step two, and again once you become comfortable with that and I take your address holding the club, and try to create the same movements with the rotation of the chest starting the swing, and once you’ve started with good rotation, really there’s no chance of you starting to tilt at any point during the backswing. So the key is the start of the swing. So, simple drill to help any player who’s struggling with tilting, sliding, reverse-pivoting.

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1 Comment

  1. terrance on December 16, 2013 at 9:45 pm



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