Swing Key – Down the Target Line

Swing to the target

Hi, Robin here. Here’s a simple swing key for anybody who struggles maybe pulling the ball, cutting, hitting slice shots, maybe your ball flight’s too high. The key is, through the impact zone and into your follow through, I want you to try to feel like you’re swinging the club head towards the target as much as possible. Now, I know, technically, the club head does not swing towards the target. Even biomechanically, when you test golf swings, the momentum of the club is not travelling towards the target.

That doesn’t mean that this key cannot help some players, as I say, players who are hitting pull shots, maybe slice shots, hitting the ball high.  Having that feeling of the club head traveling towards the target, as much as you can through the impact zone, can help players hit straighter shots with lower ball flights. So if you feel that’s, you’re in those categories of faults, next time you’re playing, try to feel the club head traveling down the target line as long as you can to see if it helps.

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