Putting Line Drill

Draw A Line On Your Ball To Improve Your Putting

A fundamental to a good putting stroke is being able to match the putter face to the path of the stroke.   The ‘Line Drill’ is a great drill to provide feedback if your face and path are matched up.

The Line Drill

– Draw a line circumscribing your ball.  4a4f5f7fab693_83206b

– Aim the line at the centre of the hole cup.

– If you make a good stroke with the face and path matched up, you will see the ball rolling end over end with no side spin.

– If you make a hook stroke, where the path is to the right side of the face, you will clearly see hook spin on the ball.

– If you make a slice stroke, where the path is to the left side of the face, you will clearly see slice spin on the ball.


A fundamental to a good putting stroke is being able to match the putter path with the putter face. One of my favorite drills to help players get some feedback about this is to put a line on the ball when you’re on the practice putting ring, using a straight putt, lining up the ball with the middle of the hole cup. Now, if you make a good stroke, your putter path’s on line, your putter face is square. You’ll see the ball rolling end over end with no side spin.

If you were to make a stroke, for example, in to out, or the putter path is to the right side of the putter face and to the right side of the hole, you’ll see some hook spin on the ball. Or vice versa, if you were to make a path left of the target, left of the putter face, you’ll see a slight spin on the ball. Simply doing this drill you’ll have to maybe experiment a little bit with different feelings, how much you’ll need to alter the path. But once the ball is rolling end over end, you’ll know that you’re making a good putting stroke, one in which the path is on line and matched up with the putter face.

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